. El bóxer y los grupos san...
Grupos Sanguíneos Caninos
Los glóbulos rojos (eritrocitos) son uno de los componentes de la sangre. Su función es mantener en estado funcional la hemoglobina, el pigmento respiratorio que transporta el oxigeno y una parte del gas carbónico en la sangre. Duran 120 días, son producidos en la médula ósea y son eliminados por el bazo. La disminución o el aumento exagerado de estas células provoca innúmeras enfermedades como, por ejemplo, la anemia.
Estas células poseen en su membrana un antígeno que se liga a los anticuerpos. Los antígenos tienen diferentes constituciones y esta es la razón por la cual la sangre es dividida en los bien conocidos Grupos Sanguíneos.
En los humanos existen mas de 20 grupos sanguíneos, aunque normalmente solo son referidos los Grupos O, A, B, AB. Esto se debe a que solo los cuatro mencionados grupos sanguíneos provocan reacciones transfusionales graves que pueden llevar a la muerte.
Cuando un humano recibe una transfusión de um grupo diferente, la sangre del receptor produce anticuerpos contra esas células, pues estas son extrañas al organismo. Lo mismo sucede con el trasplante de órganos humanos (corazón, hígado, riñón, etc.), obviamente con mucho mas células y anticuerpos en acción. Una transfusión no es mas que un trasplante, en este caso de células.
Con los perros ocurre lo mismo que con los humanos. Sus eritrocitos también tienen antígenos denominados DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen). En la actualidad ya fueron catalogados mas de 20 grupos sanguíneos caninos, aunque apenas seis DEA son relevantes en la Medicina transfusional (DEA 1.1, 1.2, 3, 4, 5 y 7). De ellos, los DEA 1.1, 1.2 y 7 son los que presentan un mayor riesgo de reacción transfusional. Está demostrado que en caso de transfusión, los grupos sanguíneos que pueden provocar reacciones agudas son los DEA 1.1 y 1.2. Los antígenos DEA 3, 5 y 7 pueden inducir reacciones retardadas y menos exuberantes.
En el caso de los perros no existen anticuerpos (para los eritrocitos) circulantes en la sangre. Es por ello que al contrario de los humanos solo son producidos anticuerpos en la primera transfusión. Es este hecho el responsable porque durante miles de años los perros recibiesen transfusiones de cualquiera otro perro (sin ningún tipo de análisis). En este tipo de situaciones si el animal necesitaba una segunda o tercera tranfusión los problemas surgían sin que se supiese la razón.
Hoy, sabemos que a partir de la segunda transfusión, (por causa de los anticuerpos producidos en la primeira) existe la posibilidad de reacciones transfusionales con las mismas consecuencias de los humanos.
Tomando en consideración que el DEA 7 puede inducir reacciones menos exuberantes, la medicina transfusional veterinaria obviamente le da mas importancia a los DEA 1.1 y 1.2.
En el caso de los humanos, todos sabemos que existen donantes universales que corresponden al Grupo Oneg. El equivalente canino es el grupo 1.1neg. O sea, es muy importante poseer un gran número de donantes del grupo 1.1.neg, pues su sangre sirve para todos los perros.
En varios países la cantidad de perros 1.1 es superior a los 1.2. No obstante el 1.1pos es superior al 1.1neg. Es por ello que seria deseable realizar estudios sobre la distribución de los grupos sanguíneos por las diferentes razas caninas.
Nuestro maravilloso BOXER
En Portugal número de DEA 1.1pos é ligeramente superior a los DEA 1.1neg. Con respecto a la distribución de los mismos entre algunas razas en nuetro país, los números poseemos son: “En un conjunto de 274 perros, 56.9% son DEA 1.1-pos y 43.1% sonDEA 1.1-neg. Todos los BOXERS, Pastores Alemanes e Dobermans son 1.1-neg , mientras que todos los San Bernardos, 88,9% de los Golden Retrievers, 88.2% de los Rottweillers y 61.4% de SRD son 1.1-pos. " in Frequency of dog erythrocyte antigen 1.1 expression in dogs from Portugal, de los autores Rui R. F. Ferreira, Rafael R. Gopegui y Augusto J. F. Matos.
Nota: Por causa del número de perros ser relativamente pequeño, no podemos afirmar que no existen perros de estas razas que no sean 1.1neg, aunque seguramente serán una minoría. Estos números coinciden con los de otros países, lo que de cierta manera confirma los resultados obtenidos.
Podemos también referir, para los mas interesados, que un perro después de donar sangre, su número de glóbulos rojos (eritrocitos) es repuesto en 42 días. No obstante, solo deberá exigir menor actividad física en los primeros 7 días después de la transfusión y esto en el caso de animales que realicen pruebas que exijan un gran gasto de energías, como carreras o agility.
Mas informaciones están disponibles en: Banco de Sangue Animal
Las próximas imágenes son de boxers inscritos como donantes en el Banco de Sangue Animal.
This is the most important period where the maximal learning can be obtained.
For many years I devote special attention to the litters I've breed. Naturally, my main concern tends towards the health of the puppies, the diet to protect them against diseases, but it is also important to watch their own behavior sincetheir birth.
In my opinion, it is very important that the breeder assumes an important role in the relationship with the puppy. That will allow that the puppy will be able to use all his own natural qualities. The age between 0 to 3 years old has been studied by many people, and it's now known that it is very important for the child. This may also be comparable to puppies in age from zero to the three months old. There is a rich literature about first three years of the human-species, one of this is the very important book entitled "From zero to there years", by Piero Angela, not of recent but still actual.
There are also good dog-literature by various american researches, in my opinion with interesting indications concerning this age. I think it is very important that he who decide to have a litter know well the developed-stages of the puppy exactly, because by respecting these stages, he can avoid the later puppy problems.
First Stage
During the delivery process, if it is possible, it is always better let the female control everything. However this do not exclude our action in case of need. Concerning the first age, ie., the first three weeks of life, it is necessary to analyze which are the needs of the puppies: food, sleep, warmth, mum touch, brother touch.
In the first days puppies react just to the hunger and to the temperature. Since 10 days puppies old also react to the touch. It is easy to register that they perceive the difference of warmth between the mother and the hand of someone (in fact touching them by hand, they show a light stiffening). All that made us understand that we must only touch them if it is extrictly necessary.
In that stage, the main rules to respect are: to give them quiet, and to exclude stranger presences. It is possible to test the puppies by watching at the instinctive choice of the mother: by nature the female will choice first the puppies more viable (that is valid only for the first two puppies).
Second Stage
Second stage is from 21st to 28th day, in this period it is necessary to keep the puppies quiet, but besides the needs of first stage. It is also the beginning of the stage of the development of senses: noise, light and especially socialization, much with the brothers, less with people. Now, the dog starts the exploration of the surrounding ambient and every touch with them must be done with prudence and it must increase gradually (touch, noises, smells, contact with people).
Third Stage
In the third stage (fifth, sixth and seventh week) it is necessary to gradually increase the contact with humans. If in first two stages it was better the relationship with just one person, since day 28th onward, people who approach the puppies must be numerous. The fifth week is the most important for the socialization with other of their own species. It is developing a hierarchy among them (however changeable). By their mother they have learnt: obedience, subordination, inhibition to bite.
The time from 28th day to 44th day is very important for the development of clean-sense. It is also the right time to teach them to defecate outside on the grass. During this stage it is negative a quiet kennel without noises and visiting people. It is necessary to educate puppies to hear unusual noises, however again, always gradually: records, motors, klaxon, pots, etc. Puppy react at new noises always running away... don't worry! Still, it is very important to check how much time will it take to get him back to the same place where the sound happened and to observe his behavior.
It is good to put into dog's bed or in the other surrounding ambient a few unusual objects of different materials, forms and sounds.
At the age of 6 weeks old (36th day to 42th day) it is necessary to begin to separate the puppy from the brothers, from the mother and from the usual ambient. Then devote yourself only to him: could be better to do it every day: at the beginning spending 5-10 minutes, and then increasing gradually the time. It is important to reduce the contact with others of their own species and to increase the attachment to the man. In practice, we start to modify the natural formation of the puppy, in order to get a puppy integrated with the man. Specially this is a propaedeutic to the coming dressed-dog.
This stage is very important because now it's the time when we establish the right balance of the subject: he must be integrated with others dogs, but with the man too. If we want a good socialization of the puppy with people in general, it is good to invite friends and children to play with them.
Fourth Stage
If the previous stages induces the puppy to a good socialization with the man, now it will be stronger. The dog will be ready to recognize that the man is the chief of the herd. Would be better if he get in contact with all members of the family too.
During eighth and ninth weeks, it is necessary for the puppy to exclude every traumatic experiences. In fact it is in this period that the fear sense develops into himself. If possible, during these mentioned weeks, it would be better do not sell the puppy. There's a need to be very careful with any trauma. It is necessary to be as natural as possible, to be the chief of the herd, play, pet them, yell at them. All this very naturally and with moderation.
It is now the right time for the puppy to obtain the maximum learning and integrate him with humans. Therefore, since now you can start a relationship with the puppy based on what you will demand from him when he will be an adult dog. All this considering his own natural behavior. If he pass through a crisis, because you have exaggerated, these moments will be overcome easily with kindness and moderation.
This schematic analyze of the development stages is a sum of a lot of work and product of careful observations done.
Naturally, I won't list the tests that can be used. Since the 3rd stage there is several tests which can help the breeder with recordable results. In my opinion, all this knowledge in a long time will became a great cultural acknowledgement. I would like to remember that a famous contemporary writer permits himself to say: "Culture is all that doesn't seem culture".